Wednesday, 29 February 2012

29 February 2012, leap year

If anyone truly understands the meaning of a leap year it would be a erson that was born on this day.

Some cool things happened on this day:
-         Julius Ceaser proclaimed this day
-         Hugh Hefner opened the first playboy club in Chicago
-         A few wards happened including Queen Annes war, American Civil War, WW2 and the vierman war

To all the people that celebrate their birthdays every 4 years – you live a life in dog years. (almost dog years infact you are better off – 1 dog year is 7 of our years, only 1 of yours if 4 of us normal folk.)

Another famous custom this day is for the ladies to propose to their men on this day (and rumour has it) you cannot say not because it takes balls to do such things and women do not have any and they are super sensitive so say yes … do it!

Happy February the 29th. Go out and enjoy it. They are rare. And stop trying to convince your boss that you deserve an extra day because you have to work an extra one.

Friday, 24 February 2012

A thought

Sometimes in life certain events occur that puts ts in difficult situations. Sometimes what seems to think is the best decision doesnt always turn out that way.

We all have people in our life that we cannot live without but believe me, they certainly make it difficult to live with!

More often than not it is easier to be angry at people because it hurts so much less. Being angry distracts you from feeling right?!

I have learnt (and it has been a damn hard lesson to learn (it is best to talk things through). Everyone has feelings and deal with their emotions differently, I for one shut down. Im the girl that wakes up every day, puts a smile on my face while carrying the weight of the worlf on my shoulders.

I am learning to speak my mind and to communicate. And my advise for today is to make amends and to face your fears. Own them and make a change.

As long as you keep moving forward, pat yourself on the back!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

A tribute

Today the world pays tribute to one of our most famous icons.

Whitney Houstons claim to fame was her self titled album: Whitney Houston in 1985. She has one of the most recognizable voices and has some of the best songs out, anyone could belt out one of her amazing songs at the mention of her name.

Whitney was found dead in her hotel room just 2 days before the 2012 Grammy awards (which also had the highest ratings since 1984), the cause of death is still ‘unknown’ however multiple pill bottles and a lot of alcohol can be suspected.

One of her greatest songs is “I Will Always Love You”

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Valentines day.

Valentines Day has been celebrated for hundreds of years across the world.

The story of Valentines day: “The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.” To read more about this click HERE

Very Romeo and Juliet like. :)

Some facts about Valentines Day:

-          Nearly 150 million cards are exchanged each Valentine's Day, making it the second most popular celebrated day (After Christmas)
-          For every 100 single women there are 119 single men of the same age (Sounds like pretty tough competition to me)
-          Flowers, chocolate and jewelry is the most common gifts exchanged
-          Cupid (symbol for Roman God of love), doves, love birds, roses, hearts and arrows are all symbols of the Valentine’s Day celebration.
-          The first Valentine's Day box of chocolates was introduced by Richard Cadbury in 1868.
-          According to the condom company Durex, condom sales are highest around Valentine's Day, which are 20 percent to 30 percent higher than usual.
-          Famous Valentine's Day weddings: The Captain and Tennille, Elton John and Renate Blauel, Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid, Jerry Garcia and Deborah Koons, and Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee.

Now there is some information for your LOVEly day!


Don’t forget, you don’t need 1 special day to express your love. Do it always.

Tuesday, 07 February 2012

Birthday Celebrations

On Sunday I celebrated my birthday.

It was by far the best birthday yet.

As I have gotten older (not that I am old) but you soon realize that it isn’t always about getting trashed and going out until all hours. This year was very chilled. We had a braai and went to play games at Magic Company. We had so much fun. On Sunday we had a lunch with some family and friends. It was so wonderful having those people closest to me around me.

The best times are the times spent with the people that mean the most to you. I wouldnt trade any of them in for anything :)

Thursday, 02 February 2012

A thought...

Recently I found this picture and it moved me. I didnt realise how this picture would affect me. It is just a picture. 

This is a man who is doing a selfless act that is going to change the life of this girl.

It always makes me think twice. Everytime I miss an opportunity to help someone I think of this image and I realise that if every person in this world could just do one good deed a day, it sure would be a happier planet.

The afternoon I found this picture, I was on my way home and passed someone begging on the street. I realised that I have seen this person there everyday, I have never been intimidated or felt that I should close my window when I arrive. I had an apple in my car that I had not eaten that day. I asked this person if he wanted it and his face lit up, he came to my window, said thank you and was so genuinely greatful. It was the first thing that he had eaten that day. As I drove off I thought to myself, here is a person who doesnt get to eat everyday, who is not a threat to society and does not harrass anyone at the robot. If this person could do it, why cant the others? I have no problem giving this person things when I drive past, it is never expected of me and he is always greatful.

I challenge you to change someones life. Its often the small things that turn out to be the big things.

Wednesday, 01 February 2012

1st day of February

It is the first day of February, can you believe it?!

January was really a busy month, besides work being so busy, I was mentally and physically preparing myself for the year. I have my head on straight and have decided what I want out of this year. I can now go on with this year confidently knowing what I want to achieve.

February is such a special month, especially this year, not only is it a leap year, it is the month of love and more importantly my birthday month.

I hope that you have spend most of today (or you will be spending tonight) working out your monthly budget so that you can find the extra few coins to spoil yourself.