Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The beginning of the Kibbutz

After being on the kibbutz for a week and a half, I am starting to find my feet and settle in. I have started to make friends and enjoying it so much.

When I arrived it was very intimidating. All of the volunteers had their "clicks"- they had made friends and did their own thing. Being the new kid isn't easy in any situation but slowly I started to get to know everyone. 

I work in the pardes (orchards) and work with such great people, they are so friendly and really take care of you. (all the kibbutzniks - the people that live on the kibbutz - are actually). It is really tough work and physically demanding but as time goes on I am getting into a rhythm and finding my feet. I am learning so much working in the pardes, I have learnt so much about trees and how to care for them, irrigation and insects. It really is fascinating and enjoy it so much. It is so peaceful.

The volunteers are from all over the world, we are like a mini united nations, it is so interesting to hear about who all these people have come to the kibbutz and what their lives are like. After hearing why some of the people are at the kibbutz, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have an amazing family, who supports me and care so deeply for me.

I am having such a great time and learning new things all the time, at work we have made a rule that I should learn one Hebrew word a day - I am really starting to get the hang of it and can have a small conversation, I really hope that I will be able to learn a great deal more and learn as much as I can.

Wednesday, 02 May 2012

The Holocaust Museum, Jerusalem, Israel 2 May 2012

Gloomy day in Israel today. I wanted to go to the old city in Jerusalem but sand storms and a bit of rain it wouldn't be very nice.

Instead I went to the Holocaust Museum. No words can describe it. Its a hard hitting realization of what Jews went through during the time of Hitler; the German takeover, the killing of Jews, women and children alike. If they were not being shot at point blank range into the pits that they themselves had dug, they were being gassed in huge chambers.

You are not allowed to take photos inside the museum, there is just too much to tell about, something everyone should see, if not because they are Jewish but because it has to be heard and people should know about it. It was a hard hitting realization of what people of families went through and the tragic battle they had lost.

Throughout the museum, there were many artifacts and remains such as letters, clothes, shoes and jewelry from the people that had died.

I remember reading a book called "the boy with the stripped pajamas"today after seeing the actual 'stripped pajamas'- the uniforms that Jews had to wear during the Holocaust - sent shivers down my spine.

It is a real moving experience. A lesson I learnt from it was that no matter who you are - black, white, pink, blue, Jewish, Christian, Hindu or Muslim - everyone has a past, everyone has a dream and everyone deserves a future. We are all people and should be given the same respect and humanity as anyone else

Tuesday, 01 May 2012

Jaffa, Israel. 30 April 2012

Today I walked around Jaffa - what a beautiful place. I walked through the old city and saw such beautiful buildings, so old and quiet. The people are all very friendly.

I took a bus into Tel Aviv and walked along the beach front to Jaffa, the sea is so calm and so blue. There is so much activity going on, people running, fishing, eating at restaurants and enjoying the beautiful day.

Along the beaches there are what looks like parks but they are exercise machines

I went into a mosque where i had to cover my arms and head, the lady didnt speak a word of english but brought me some tea and with mint leaves while I walked around the mosque and the gardens.

In the old city of Jaffa there are many curio shops and galleries, as I sat on a bench I watched all the tour guides come past - such enthusiasm, knowledge and excitement abouth THEIR city.

It felt as though I was walking through a history book. You hear about all the places in the bible and history books and its so amazing that you can actually walk the streets and be in those places that they speak of.

A very memorable day!