Thursday, 12 April 2012

My graduatation day

As most people do, I went straight to university when I finished matric. As a naïve 17 year old, I had no idea what I was in store for. I had no idea what I wanted to be, what I was going to study and what was expected of me.

Luckily having an older sister who was already in the university system I thought I knew or had an idea of what I was doing. Little did I know.

I remember orientation week, where you go and mix with other first year students, a week where you are supposed to make friends and find your way around. It was not what I had expected and really thought and still do think that it is unnecessary.

Over the years of studying, I made some incredible friends and created bonds with some amazing people that will carry on for a life time.

University teaches you life experiences that you cannot learn anywhere else. You are given a timetable and left to be, you learn so much about yourself in terms of what you can handle, how you handle situations and what you can do to overcome it.

Varsity life. There is just no way to describe it until you have lived it. Partying all night, 7:30 lectures in the middle of winter, a staple diet of burgers and toasted sandwiches, winging exams, lift clubs, the library – the single most distractingly quiet place on earth.

I could not have gotten through the years if it was not for my family and friends. They were behind me every step of the way.

Thank you to all who were apart of my experience!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on sticking it out and coming out tops in the end!


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