Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Life on a budget

What exactly is a budget? The total extinction of a social life? Cutting out groceries for the month? Not paying any accounts?

NO! To me a budget is simplifying and cutting out the unnecessary in order to save a bit at the end of every month.

When considering implementing a budget it is not easy to do it, no matter which way you look at it or what angle you approach it from.

Here are some simple ways in which you can save a bit and cut out the unnecessary.

  1. Make lunch.
Instead of going out everyday and buying lunch – and stopping in at a few shops on the way, which leads to you trying on a gorgeous must-have top, not able to leave without this top you put it on account and carry on your merry way. By making your own lunch you also save petrol. Don’t buy food from the sandwich lady either thinking you are bettering her life. You are trying to better your own. You may even loose a few kilos as well because you will be making healthier meals and not wasting a lot as well because 9 out of 10 times last nights dinner becomes today’s lunch.

  1. Stop spending on your accounts
Challenge yourself to not spend on your account for at least a month. You will be surprised at how your payments will actually start making a difference. You will also discover what amazing clothes you already own. Most of the time we spend on accounts and not actually NEED the things that we buy. Just avoid shops full stop.

  1. Buy groceries monthly
Estimate what you will need for the month. Plan meals if you have to and estimate quantities before hand. Make a list of items that you need as to avoid picking up things that you don’t need. By doing monthly shopping you are not going to the shop daily or weekly which means those extra 10 bags of chips, 5 chocolate slabs and 8 cold drinks will not be necessary. Again avoiding those extra kgs.

  1. Write down a budget plan
Make a list of all of your spending so you know where the over spending takes place and how you can use your money more effectively. Make sure that you can account for every sent. Pay all your bills in full before you spend on anything else.

Make 2012 a year to save.

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