Thursday, 19 January 2012

S.A driving is a skill

To all the people that use their indicators, who change lanes when it is safe to do so, who follow the rules of the road and who slow down at orange robots, YOU ARE DOING IT WORNG!

Driving in South Africa has become somewhat of an art. Your reaction time has to be up there amongst the top in the world, you have to have a ‘no fear’ attitude and if you want to get anywhere you have to prepared to be the best. South African driving has become a national sport and the competition is rife.

Here are 3 simple tips that will give you the competitive edge when driving.

Indicators. These are simply placed on your car because in the Stone Age they were once used. Please under no circumstances attempt to use these. It has to be a complete surprise to the person in the next lane. You cannot let them know you are intending to change lanes.

Changing lanes. The object of this is to ‘be first’. This means you have to speed as fast as you can in a narrowing lane just to get in front of the car you can only see in the distance causing the whole queue of cars to slam on breaks. Also in order to change lanes, you have to be going slower that the car in the intended lane, you should pull out into said lane and make sure that the car behind you slams on breaks because you are going slower than them. If this previous method is used, please be aware that if the car you are intending to pull out in front of has no cars behind them for at least 500m you should not wait until they have passed you. Do not land up behind them! And please! DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT USING THOSE INDICATORS!

Robots/Traffic lights.
If you think orange/amber means slow down or stop, you are mistaken. The orange light simply means that you have to once again speed up see if you can beat the red robot. If you don’t though it is okay, you can still get 3 cars through on red before the other side starts to go.

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