Monday, 23 January 2012

Buying luggage

Over the past few weeks I have been browsing around for the best luggage deal I could get. After lugging around for weeks on end I am proud to say I know everything there is to know about luggage from size to weight and brands.

When I first ventured out on this task I had a clear indication of what I wanted. What size and what colour – I did not want black, blue or brown as these colours are the most common and finding yours on a conveyer belt will be a task near impossible as many other people will have these colours.

My top tips for buying luggage.
-         Get a feel for the brands and do your homework. Decide what size you need and what your budget is because it can get quite costly.
-         Shop around. A lot of shops have the same brands and some people are more knowledgeable about the different products and brands. Most shops have similar pricing on similar brands.
-         Check the wheels. If they are not solid and are a thin plastic they might not last as long and what’s a bag without wheels?!
-         When you have made your decision go to the Oriental Plaza. You may not get the brand you want but you know what type of quality you are looking for and what you are willing to pay. Most often you can bargain a great deal with them.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

S.A driving is a skill

To all the people that use their indicators, who change lanes when it is safe to do so, who follow the rules of the road and who slow down at orange robots, YOU ARE DOING IT WORNG!

Driving in South Africa has become somewhat of an art. Your reaction time has to be up there amongst the top in the world, you have to have a ‘no fear’ attitude and if you want to get anywhere you have to prepared to be the best. South African driving has become a national sport and the competition is rife.

Here are 3 simple tips that will give you the competitive edge when driving.

Indicators. These are simply placed on your car because in the Stone Age they were once used. Please under no circumstances attempt to use these. It has to be a complete surprise to the person in the next lane. You cannot let them know you are intending to change lanes.

Changing lanes. The object of this is to ‘be first’. This means you have to speed as fast as you can in a narrowing lane just to get in front of the car you can only see in the distance causing the whole queue of cars to slam on breaks. Also in order to change lanes, you have to be going slower that the car in the intended lane, you should pull out into said lane and make sure that the car behind you slams on breaks because you are going slower than them. If this previous method is used, please be aware that if the car you are intending to pull out in front of has no cars behind them for at least 500m you should not wait until they have passed you. Do not land up behind them! And please! DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT USING THOSE INDICATORS!

Robots/Traffic lights.
If you think orange/amber means slow down or stop, you are mistaken. The orange light simply means that you have to once again speed up see if you can beat the red robot. If you don’t though it is okay, you can still get 3 cars through on red before the other side starts to go.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Creating a vision board

A vision board is a visual concept/mind map/treasure map that is created by people. It is based on The Secret’s Law of Attraction which suggests that you can attract anything that you desire in life.

I suggest vision boards because it is a visual representation of the things that you are working towards and want in your life. A lot of us have these vision boards in our minds but certain things can be forgotten and we don’t always picture it. If you see it, you are constantly reminded of where you are headed and what you are working towards.

What you will need is:

A bright coloured piece of cardboard
A pair of scissors
Some glue
A lot of pictures that you want
Some fiber tip pens

Part one:
Cut out all of the pictures from magazines, newspapers, internet articles, etc, that you want for y our life (money, fast cars, house, holiday, dog – whatever it is you want)

Part two:
Stick all of these pictures in any way that you feel. A collage, a structured flow chart, sequence of which you want to achieve first

Part three:
Decorate this in any way you want. This is yours. It is a personal representation of what you vision for your life.

Part four:
Find a space in your home to put this up. It should be in a place that you are often and can constantly be reminded of this. A good place is in your bedroom or your entrance hall.

This is YOUR vision board. Do it the way YOU want it and put YOUR dreams and aspirations on it. When ever you feel like giving up look at your board and remind yourself that it is all worth it and you deserve these things in your life.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Friday the 13th

 A superstition is the belief that events may be influenced by magic or mystical ways.

 A superstition is the belief that events may be influenced by magic or mystical ways.

Friday the 13th is one of those superstitions.

I am not a very superstitious person; however, I do tend to not walk under ladders, throw salt over my shoulder, and touch the roof when going through an orange robot.

Here is some info about today (not particularly today but in history):

-         Apparently it is bad luck to start anything on a Friday

-         A phobia about Friday 13th is called: paraskavedekatriaphobia

-         Many hospitals don’t have a room numbered 13

-         King Henry II was born on this day, so was Orlando Bloom

-         This day is linked to the Christian Bible – believed that Jesus died on Friday 13th

Now you have some facts that you can tell people.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Life on a budget

What exactly is a budget? The total extinction of a social life? Cutting out groceries for the month? Not paying any accounts?

NO! To me a budget is simplifying and cutting out the unnecessary in order to save a bit at the end of every month.

When considering implementing a budget it is not easy to do it, no matter which way you look at it or what angle you approach it from.

Here are some simple ways in which you can save a bit and cut out the unnecessary.

  1. Make lunch.
Instead of going out everyday and buying lunch – and stopping in at a few shops on the way, which leads to you trying on a gorgeous must-have top, not able to leave without this top you put it on account and carry on your merry way. By making your own lunch you also save petrol. Don’t buy food from the sandwich lady either thinking you are bettering her life. You are trying to better your own. You may even loose a few kilos as well because you will be making healthier meals and not wasting a lot as well because 9 out of 10 times last nights dinner becomes today’s lunch.

  1. Stop spending on your accounts
Challenge yourself to not spend on your account for at least a month. You will be surprised at how your payments will actually start making a difference. You will also discover what amazing clothes you already own. Most of the time we spend on accounts and not actually NEED the things that we buy. Just avoid shops full stop.

  1. Buy groceries monthly
Estimate what you will need for the month. Plan meals if you have to and estimate quantities before hand. Make a list of items that you need as to avoid picking up things that you don’t need. By doing monthly shopping you are not going to the shop daily or weekly which means those extra 10 bags of chips, 5 chocolate slabs and 8 cold drinks will not be necessary. Again avoiding those extra kgs.

  1. Write down a budget plan
Make a list of all of your spending so you know where the over spending takes place and how you can use your money more effectively. Make sure that you can account for every sent. Pay all your bills in full before you spend on anything else.

Make 2012 a year to save.

Thursday, 05 January 2012

New Years Resolution vs 3 words

For the first time in many years I was not looking forward to New Years, possibly because 2011 was such a tough year and such a busy year. On would imagine that I would be excited to see it go.

Each year we make these “New Years Resolutions”. What for I ask. Each year one sets unrealistic goals; loose 10kgs; run a marathon; stop smoking; stop drinking; buy a house; get a new job; go to gym everyday; the list is endless. Essentially we are setting ourselves up for disappointment. Year after year we try to change who we are. I decided not to make any new years resolutions.

Instead I came across a blog by Chris Brogan. In his blog he talks about 3 words. Read about it here. I think this is such a fantastic thing to do. Instead of making empty promises to yourself dedicate your year to 3 words and rather dedicate your year to incorporating these 3 words into your life.

My 3 words are:
    Learn. Explore. Simplify.

I will take opportunity to learn about other people and learn about myself. There is so many things that happen each day that we take for granted and do not learn from them.

I will explore this amazing world that we live in. Explore different cultures, different people and different lifestyles.

I will simplify my life and keep in it only the essentials. I will learn to let go of things that complicate my life.

What are your 3 words?

Wednesday, 04 January 2012

In the beginning...

This blog isnt a New Years Resolution and it isnt a phase.

This blog will be to document the amazing times that lie ahead. My thoughts, stories and experiences.

I am committed to sharing (whether read or not). To document the amazing times that lie ahead of me.

I recently finished my degree and feel that my life is just beginning. Its daunting knowing that there is nothing holding me back anymore and that the world literally is my oyster.

After many years of dreaming about what life would be like after studying I am finally at this point. I didnt expect it to be so daunting. However I am excited to see how my life will unfold and invite you to share my journey.